Exposing Magic Valley’s RINOs

Magic Valley has a major RINO Problem (Republican In Name Only)

For years, Magic Valley RINOs have counted on conservative voters remaining uninformed and uninvolved, and lulled into thinking that by voting for them they are ensuring Idaho stays conservative. If only. But as their own voting records reveal, Magic Valley RINO legislators are blatantly disregarding their own party’s platform and Idaho’s Constitution — hoping you won’t notice.

MV RINOs funded by Idaho Assoc. of Commerce & Industry

Graphic by Hilber Nelson, MVLA

By Karen Schumacher, Redoubt News September 24, 2021

The Idaho Association of Commerce & Industry (IACI) is an “…influential force in Idaho politics representing every facet of business and industry in the state.”  Indeed, through its Idaho Prosperity Fund (IPF), money is poured into “…candidates for Statewide, Legislative, and Local office”, who they determine believe in a free market society, rights of the individual, and are committed to preserving the free enterprise system.  Candidates aren’t the only ones that get money, political issues are also financially assisted by the IPF.  Translated, this means corporate money and power yield major influence over Idaho’s future through elected officials, dominating over the voice of citizens who elected those officials.

Whether innocent or not in its understanding, IACI does not promote free markets, rights, or free enterprise.  It is actually promoting the goals and objectives of the World Economic Forum (WEF) Great Reset Initiative and the United Nations (UN) Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).  Through IACI’s influence over politicians and subsequent policy and legislation, these two organizations are integrating global agendas into the lives of Idaho citizens.  Both the WEF and UN partner with global corporations but it is primarily the WEF that is more powerful in executing these objectives through corporate participation and influence.

These global corporate powerhouses are within IACI.  Many IACI Board of Directors are members of WEF partners such as HP and Suez.  The full list of IACI members is not provided but several can be found on its home page.  Bayer, Blue Cross of Idaho, Clearwater Paper, Idaho Forest Group, Idaho Power, Intermountain Gas, Micron, Potlatch, Simplot, St Luke’s, and some others are proudly displayed.  The majority of these aforementioned corporations are either directly or indirectly involved with the WEF or UN.  Any IACI contributions to political candidates serves only to influence that politician to integrate those global corporate objectives for sustainable development.

There are several WEF and UN objectives for corporate behavior.  Whenever these terms are used in corporate language it means it has adopted those objectives.  These terms include:

Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) – WEF and UN driven.

Corporate Social Responsibility reports (CSR) – A WEF and UN driven concept to implement SDG. “CSR policy may provide new perspectives on companies’ transition to stakeholder capitalism…”, a WEF goal which will end capitalism as we know it.

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) – WEF and UN driven to integrate SDG into business models with criteria.  This is an ESG example.  Stakeholder capitalism is based on ESG criteria.  Although the end of capitalism, a free market economy, was called for in 2012, stakeholder capitalism is now being implemented, a complete takeover by corporations.

Corporate Governance – A UN concept and supported by the WEF.

Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) – WEF and UN driven to measure progress with SDG implementation.  This is a general overview of GRI standards as the full standards can’t be downloaded unless you sign up.

This is a WEF 40 second video that explains how companies are driving these changes.

Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) is a World Health Organization (WHO) initiative, which began in 2012, this is the 2021 reportThe Centers for Disease Control (CDC) implements SDOH, while the UN uses SDOH to advance its Global Health AgendaSDOH is also fed to us through Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) which is complicit in mandated vaccinations.  SDOH will be embedded into states with The Social Determinants Acceleration Act 2021, while the National Association of Counties (NACo)  brings it to the local level.  This objective will forever intrude into many aspects of our lives, deciding whether we are living the way they think we should, eroding our freedoms, and driving us into government dependency.  These organizations are after our lives through our health, that is what the virus and vaccinations are about.

Healthy People 2020, which promoted SDGs, has now transformed into Healthy People 2030 with workgroups to influence communities.  With its Global Health Workgroup, global health objectives will be implemented.  This will align nicely with the WHO International Health Regulations which CDC previously signed and under which we are now living, including vaccinations that are “aligned  with  broader  health  agendas  (SDG3,  primary  health  care  and   universal health coverage) (pg 51).  Vaccinations are just one of its covered health topics.

The trail of involvement with WEF and UN objectives by these IACI corporate members can be found in the following document, along with other corporations that have contributed to elected officials.  Like a high society clique, these same companies dump money into the IPF which in turn appears to go to favored candidates for their pet goals.  IPF contributions can be found under the Contributions link here, along with other corporate contributions.

Corporations are the vehicle by which the WEF and UN are implementing the objectives for global governance.  As of right now, it is corporate influence driving Idaho’s direction, not citizen voices.  Our government as a Republic no longer exists from the federal level down to the local level.  The federal government, with its public-private partnerships, also known as corporatism, is forcing states into objectives that are inconsistent with the foundation of our government.  This has become the rule on how we will be allowed to live, not laws derived from the people.  All elected official associations with IACI must be terminated and citizens must demand that corporate objectives are not integrated into our lives.

This destruction of America, and our state, is about changing our economy through corporate rule.  It is time elected officials start listening to Idaho citizens again and disengage from corporate influence and IACI.