
MVLA does not endorse or oppose legislators or candidates.

Meet the Team

Doreen Alexander

Born and raised in Southern California in much better times than today, I made my way to Idaho via a 10 year stop in Las Vegas, Nevada. Although a career would bring me to Las Vegas, the search for a better life, for my family, brought me to Idaho. The religious freedoms, political wellbeing and conservative people in Idaho were a great comfort and blessing when I arrived in 2002. Things have now changed in Idaho and those freedoms are rapidly slipping away in our country.

As a wife and mother, I fear my children are losing the freedoms and liberty in which they were born into and deserve. The progressively worsening political climate has called to my heart and changed the way I feel about being involved and working towards change. The need for individuals who love freedom to get involved has never been more warranted.

I grew up at the dinner table with politics and in the back seat of my father’s car listening to Rush Limbaugh for as long as I can remember. This knowledge brought awareness in my life to liberty, freedom, and a moral understanding of life. This awareness has also shown me to identify how quickly we can lose these blessings in our country and witness the Constitution being trampled.

Politics is still spoken at the dinner table with my father and my children in hopes that we all can make a difference. We all need to be aware of the battle before us. There is no better time than now to be awake and striving to make changes that better our country. I want to be involved in making those changes and MVLA is where I have found the knowledge to strive to do so.

“When the righteous increase, the people rejoice, but when the wicked rule, the people groan.” Proverbs 29:2

Saundra Bell

Saundra Bell

I was blessed to have been born in this beautiful land of America, because of forefathers/mothers who immigrated to this consecrated land of freedom. Consecrated and ordained by God to be a land of Liberty for all those that chose to make this Isle of the sea their home. A land for whom God raised great men, who through inspiration, blood, sweat and tears, wrote the greatest living governing document ever to govern a people. By allowing the people to be governed, as the actual rulers of themselves thereby limiting the power given to the governmental heads, who were elected by the people.

Because of the blessing of a constitutional republic, I was automatically given the responsibility and right to make responsible choices. One of which was choosing my profession and earning a Master’s in Speech and Language Pathology, a profession that I served in for over 40 years. I have lived in Twin Falls for the last 16 years. I am now retired, along with my husband, enjoying family, friends and serving in my church and community; trying to do what I can to keep and/or regain our freedoms. I have been involved in helping with campaigns for local political candidates and national organizations dedicated to keeping and regaining or constitutional values locally and nationally.

I see these freedoms, as laid out in the Bill of Rights/Constitution, being eroded away by big corporations; power hungry so called: anti-God- groups and individuals along with elected officials whose only objective is to create division, contention, hate and filling their own pockets by doing the bidding of others. Having absolutely no regard for the individual or love for their fellow men or country. This is the reason I have joined with Magic Valley Liberty Alliance here in Twin Falls.

We have a responsibility to counter despotism and it needs to begin within our own community then filtering up into our governing bodies at the county and state level. As Thomas Jefferson stated: “All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of Good conscience is to remain silent.” And Benjamin Franklin: As nations become corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters.”

Lyle Johnstone

I am a three-generation native to Jerome County and I have been married to the lovely Miss Debbie for 44 years. We have three sons, daughters-in laws, and we are grandparents to six. I have a varied background while living in Idaho, including farming, sales, business consulting and accounting. I believe and follow the God of the Bible. I have a passion to rightly divide the Word of truth and have spent many years immersing myself in the Bible.

All people need the protection of the rights that come from God. MVLA was envisioned and created to stop the disregard of a constitutional and truly republic form of government. I wish to return to that respectful form of diminutive government, not government by one-world entities, i.e., World Economic Forum and Idaho Association of Commerce & Industry. 

When I ran for the Idaho Legislature in 2018, I became painfully aware of the split in the Republican Party. The Party consists of two parties, the Republicans and those in name only. I wish to encourage, educate, and assist liberty-loving, liberty-minded people to hold local up-to-state level elected positions.
Would you please strongly contemplate becoming a current-day freedom lover? It would be my pleasure to come along side you as you consider becoming a liberty candidate, liberty supporter, liberty elector of a constitutional Republic government. 

“When government gets big, happiness decreases; from Kings to Socialists.” – Adam Smith
“Your rulers are rebels,
And companions of thieves;
Everyone loves a bribe,
And chases after rewards.
They do not defend the orphan,
Nor does the widow’s plea come before them.”
Isaiah 1:23 (NASB)

Creighton Knight

The Magic Valley has been my family’s home since 2012. We love the people and quality of life here in Idaho. Once we got
here, we knew we found our place. I am a Christian, a husband, and a father of two amazing kids. My family owns a business in
Filer. My professional background is in agriculture and manufacturing. I have a bachelor’s degree in Economics, and a
master’s degree in Business Administration. I have served as a local charter school board member and treasurer. I was a Republican candidate for the Idaho State Legislature in 2022.

I am a lifelong conservative Republican, having grown up watching Ronald Reagan lead our nation out of the liberal morass of the past and back to prosperity and respect. America and Idaho have been given the greatest form of government which has lifted more people out of misery and into dignity and opportunity than any other in human history.

Yet, our Constitutional form of government, our liberties and our way of life is under attack. Even in Idaho, many of our local leaders are asleep at the wheel and oblivious to the assaults on our freedom. They are more interested in serving corporate lobbyists than citizens.

We must educate, equip, and empower local citizens to understand and protect their God given rights and blessings. I joined MVLA to help do this; and to support Republicans who respect the US and Idaho Constitutions and who will defend and protect those enumerated rights.

As anyone who has lived in other states knows, our Idaho quality of life is not the norm—it must be respected and protected.  We know that it is time for citizens to take the torch and work to preserve our Idaho values and promote the freedom and opportunity which will carry our state into the future.

As Ronald Reagan said, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.”

Antoinette (Toni) McNeill

GOD. Country. Family. The blessings and privileges we have in this country come from our Creator and they are preserved in our founding documents. As citizens it is our responsibility and duty to protect and defend our Constitution from enemies, foreign and domestic.

For many years my husband and I wanted to leave California. Both of us were born and raised in the sunshine state where you could dream, work hard and — with some luck — achieve those dreams. But California became oppressive, divisive, and one-party controlled. When, in 2016, the opportunity arose for us to leave, we moved near family in Jerome.

I was involved in politics in San Diego and knew I needed to get involved here. Like many transplants, I could see the red flags that destroy freedom and liberty. Covid brought sunlight to many dark corners and exposed what was going on in the shadows. I began going to local Republican meetings; however, I don’t believe they understand the time in history we are in. It seems to be the same, ‘Go along to get along.’

Then I was introduced to MVLA, an organization that understands the time in history and what is at stake for our Republic. I was honored to be asked to join the Board. I love my country and it is time to stand. We don’t need to reinvent the wheel; we just need to adhere to our founding documents and hold politician accountable.

Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship to restrict the art of healing to one class of Men and deny equal privileges to others; the Constitution of the Republic should make a Special privilege for medical freedoms as well as religious freedom. – Benjamin Rush

If we were to remove the Bible from public schools, we would be wasting so much time punishing crimes and taking so little pains to prevent them. – Benjamin Rush

Hilber Nelson

Twin Falls has been my home since 1992. I am blessed to be married to be a husband to my wife since 1978, a father of two children, and a grandfather of five. I’ve been a licensed mental health therapist since 2007. I’m also an abstract artist.

I have been a Christian since 1973 and an activist for several years. My primary duty as a Board member is providing content for MVLA social media, website content and cartoons. (Have a topic, or news tips for our website? Email us at news@mvlibertyalliance.org).

It is from my love for God and His commandment to love our neighbor that motivates me to take a biblical activist approach to protecting our freedoms and families from those who seek their destruction.

I joined MVLA for its commitment to ensuring our legislators, school boards, and city councils protect our freedoms, and work for We the People.

Brian Smith

I am fortunate to have been born and raised in the Magic Valley in this great state of Idaho. I have a wonderful wife and three children, one of which resides in heaven. I am a born again Christian and I believe in the God of the Bible. I love our state and I love our country.

I have watched over the last several decades as our beautiful Magic Valley and state grow at a daunting rate. Our small family farms have either turned into large commercial operations or have been paved over and are now large subdivisions. Factories have moved in, box stores, chain restaurants and hotels have gone up like Kochia weed on a vacant lot. Just as quickly as our towns have grown, our political environment has changed equally fast.

Our once God-fearing conservative governance and direct representation of “We the People” (the true government) is now marred by anti-God special interest money and self-serving politicians who have sold their soul to the highest bidder.

I joined MVLA to help fight against and expose the corruption that plagues our state and local government. I am committed to promoting strong constitutional conservative Republicans for office and look forward to building committed partnerships with them. My hope and prayer is that God will grant us wisdom and fortitude as he guides and directs our steps in the days to come.

“I am committed…to the Constitution of the country…. And I am committed against everything, which, in my judgment, may weaken, endanger, or destroy it….; and especially against all extension of
executive power; and I am committed against any attempt to rule the free people of this country by the power and the patronage of the government itself…”
–Daniel Webster

Kathy Thomsen

What a time to be alive!  Each day brings new evidence that America has been captured. 

Since 2020, professions once esteemed are scrutinized.  Institutions trusted since childhood are no longer safe – from the library to the schoolhouse, the hospital to the statehouse and the voting booth to the post office, our eyes have been opened to a whole new world of “what is”.

Born and raised in southern Idaho, I’m the lucky daughter of parents who provided a wonderful education in a multi-generational business and loved their country as much as their six kids.

Like everyone else who watched the 2020 general election returns in disbelief, and the January 6, 2021 newsfeed in horror, I knew I needed to do more than wear an “I VOTED” sticker on election day.  

When Steve Bannon announced there were statewide election integrity groups forming all over America, I quickly joined Election Integrity Idaho.  I soon realized the commissioners and clerk had as much to learn about elections and machines as I did!

Though local efforts to get rid of election machines and return to hand counts have yet to prove fruitful, the goal of electing America First candidates from the precinct to the statehouse is finding success.

God has called us to occupy until He comes and it is a privilege to join MVLA in the battle.

Tom Zuiderveld

I have been actively educating and engaging in our local, state and federal government for over 8 years. I have been involved in many different patriot movements, building relationships with elected officials, liberty groups and fellow constituents. I believe to make a difference we must first educate, encourage, and engage with others.

I realize our freedoms and liberties are our responsibility. If we do not know what our constitutional God-given rights are, we will never know when they have been taken away.

I have devoted much time to learning our State and U.S. Constitutions, Federalist papers and founding history so that I would be better prepared to keep our Republic.

My goal and purpose is to preserve our liberties for my children and grandchildren.

I draw strength and courage from our Creator, through God alone we have been granted these unalienable rights. May He find us faithful and obedient.

“Constitutional Republic, if you can keep it.” — Benjamin Franklin